Microsoft Windows® NT Version 3.51

Hardware Compatibility List

Systems SCSI Non-SCSI Comms PCMCIA Drive Systems

Video Printers Accessories Tech Info x86 3.1 UP

The following computers and peripherals have been tested and have passed compatibility testing with Windows NT 3.51 as of October, 1995. Some computers may be sold with peripherals that are not yet supported by the Windows NT operating system, or that require a device driver supplied by the manufacturer. We have not tested every computer and/or device in all possible configurations. Please refer to the Release Notes for additional compatibility information when installing Windows NT 3.51.

If you would like to download the complete HCL(244K), it is available in Windows Help file format and Microsoft Word for Windows, in a self-extracting zipped file. If you don't have Microsoft Word, you can obtain the Microsoft Word Viewer that runs on the Windows and Windows NT platforms, this will allow you to view and print Word documents without having Microsoft Word on your system.

For information on the Microsoft Word Viewer and to download a free copy of this tool.

If you encounter problems while running Windows NT 3.51, please file a bug report by filling out 'PROBREP.TXT'located in the \i386 directory on Windows NT 3.51 CD-ROM or floppy disk #2 of the Windows NT 3.51 installation disks or CLICK HERE to open PROBREP.TXT. Submit it as instructed in PROBREP.TXT.

Items listed with footnote number [1] require one of the device drivers available in the \DRVLIB directory on the Windows NT 3.51 CD-ROM.

Items listed with footnote number [2] are supported with device drivers available in the Windows NT Driver Library. Please see the section at the end of this document for information on accessing this library.

Updates to Windows NT 3.51 Hardware Compatibility List will appear on this site regularly, please check back frequently.

Archived versions of the Windows NT Hardware Compatiblity Lists: